
You can submit a complaint about an issue you have with a company about a consumer financial product or service to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). CFPB is currently accepting complaints in connection with the following financial products:


  • Bank account or service
  • Credit Card
  • Credit reporting
  • Money transfer
  • Mortgage
  • Student loan
  • Vehicle or consumer loan


CFPB will forward your complaint to the company and work to get a response from them. If they find that another government agency would be better able to assist, they will forward your complaint to them and let you know. The company will review your complaint, communicate with you as needed, and report back about the steps taken or that will be taken on the issue you identify in your complaint. CFPB will let you know when the company responds. You can review that response and give CFPB feedback.


Complaint data is shared with state and federal law enforcement agencies. Complaints tell CFPB about business practices that may pose risks to consumers. If they need more information, they will reach out and let you know. Complaints help with CFPB's work to supervise companies, enforce federal consumer financial laws, and write better rules and regulations.


You can submit a complaint about an issue you have with a company about a consumer financial product or service to the New York State Attorney General's Office. Their Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection can receive complaints about most merchants and businesses.